James Mendel

Creative Technologist

James Mendel



By Category

In Progress


A comprehensive list of courses I have completed at KU.

CLSX 316

Ancient Magic and Witches

This course provides a survey of magic and witchcraft in ancient Greece and Rome and interprets these practices through anthropological theories of magic and witchcraft. Emphasized topics may include magicians, witches, ghosts, spirits, demons, divination, and spells. This course considers issues such as how magic works, how people engage with the divine, the marginalization of magical practitioners, and the difference between magic, witchcraft and religion.

(Spring 2023)

EECS 690

Laser Engineering

Feedback amplifier circuit analysis, power amplifiers, analog IC op-amp techniques and analysis, filter approximation and realization, oscillators, wave generators and shapers.

(Spring 2023)

EECS 512

Electronic Circuits III

Feedback amplifier circuit analysis, power amplifiers, analog IC op-amp techniques and analysis, filter approximation and realization, oscillators, wave generators and shapers.

(Spring 2023)

EECS 502

Senior Design Laboratory I

A lecture/laboratory course involving the design and implementation of prototypes of electrical and computer type products and systems. The project specifications require consideration of ethics, economics, health, manufacturing, and safety. Must be taken in semester immediately following completion of EECS 501.

(Spring 2023)

EECS 443

Digital Systems Design

The design of digital systems from a hardware point of view. The implementation of functional and control units using programmable logic devices. Introduction to VHDL and its use in modeling and designing digital systems.

(Spring 2023)

EECS 501

Senior Design Laboratory I

A lecture/laboratory course involving the design and implementation of prototypes of electrical and computer type products and systems. The project specifications require consideration of ethics, economics, manufacturing, and safety.

(Fall 2022)

EECS 420

Electromagnetics II

This course applies electromagnetic analysis to high frequency devices and systems where wave propagation effects cannot be neglected. Topics covered include transmission lines, space waves, waveguides, radiation, and antennas. Laboratory experiments include transmission line, waveguide, and antenna measurements and characterizations.

(Fall 2022)

EECS 622

Microwave and Radio Transmission Systems

Introduction to radio transmission systems. Topics include radio transmitter and receiver design, radiowave propagation phenomenology, antenna performance and basic design, and signal detection in the presence of noise. Students will design radio systems to meet specified performance measure.

(Fall 2022)

EECS 470

Electrical Devices & Properties of Materials

An introduction to crystal structures, and metal, insulator, and semiconductor properties. Topics covered include the thermal, electric, dielectric, and optical properties of these materials. A significant portion of this course is devoted to the properties of semiconductors and semiconductor devices.

(Fall 2022)

EECS 412

Electronic Circuits II

Discrete and integrated amplifier analysis and design. Introduction to feedback amplifier analysis and design. Introduction to feedback amplifiers.

(Spring 2022)

EECS 444

Control Systems

An introduction to the modeling, analysis, and design of linear control systems. Topics include mathematical models, feedback concepts, state-space methods, time response, system stability in the time and transform domains, design using PID control and series compensation, and digital controller implementation.

(Spring 2022)

EECS 690

Software Reverse Engineering

Special topic: Software Reverse Engineering. Description TBD

(Spring 2022)

EECS 562

Intro to Communication Systems

A first course in communications, including lectures and integrated laboratory experiments. After a review of spectral analysis and signal transmission, analog and digital communications are studied. Topics include: sampling, pulse amplitude modulation, and pulse code modulation; analog and digital amplitude, frequency, and phase modulation; frequency and time division multiplexing; and noise performance of analog modulation techniques.

(Spring 2022)

EECS 360

Signal and Systems Analysis

Fourier signal analysis (series and transform); linear system analysis (continuous and discrete); Z-transforms; analog and digital filter analysis. Analysis and design of continuous and discrete time systems using MATLAB.

(Fall 2021)

EECS 268

Programming II

This course continues developing problem solving techniques by focusing on the imperative and object-oriented styles using Abstract Data Types. Basic data structures such as queues, stacks, trees, and graphs will be covered. Recursion. Basic notions of algorithmic efficiency and performance analysis in the context of sorting algorithms. Basic Object-Oriented techniques. An associated laboratory will develop projects reinforcing the lecture material.

(Fall 2021)

PHSX 313 / 316

General Physics III / Lab

Introduction to modern physics. Topics include special relativity, optics, and introductions to quantum mechanics and solid state physics.

(Fall 2021)

MATH 526

Applied Mathematical Statistics

A first course in statistics for students with the techniques of calculus at their disposal. The following topics are studied with illustrations and problems drawn from various fields of applications: basic notions of probability and probability distributions; classical estimation and testing procedures for one and two sample problems; chi-square test.

(Fall 2021)

EECS 212

Circuits II

Continued study of electrical circuits: Steady-state power analysis, three-phase circuits, transformers, frequency response, and two-port network analysis.

(Spring 2021)

EECS 221

Electromagnetics I

Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields in a vacuum and material media. Electromagnetic fields and Maxwell’s equations for time-varying sources. The relationship between field and circuit theory. Simple applications of Maxwell’s equations.

(Spring 2021)

EECS 312

Electronic Circuits I

Introduction to diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs, and their use in electronic circuits, especially digital circuits.

(Spring 2021)

EECS 388

Embedded Systems

Internal organization of micro-controller systems, sometimes called embedded systems, used in a wide variety of engineered systems: programming in C and assembly language; input and output systems; collecting data from sensors; and controlling external devices. A focus on one or two specific microprocessors, software development and organization, and building embedded systems.

(Spring 2021)

MATH 290

Elementary Linear Algebra

Systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, and applications.

(Fall 2020)

MATH 220

Applied Differential Equations

Linear ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms, systems of equations, and applications.

(Fall 2020)

LING 111

Linguistics - Language & Mind: Honors

A study of the relation between language and the human mind, focusing on language as a fundamental aspect of human cognition. Topics include what is innate and what is learned during first and second language acquisition, how we process language, and whether there are areas of the brain specialized for language.

(Fall 2020)

EECS 202

Circuits I

Analysis of linear electrical circuits: Kirchoff’s laws; source, resistor, capacitor and inductor models; nodal and mesh analysis; network theorems; transient analysis; Laplace transform analysis; steady-state sinusoidal analysis. The lab provides training and practice in the use of computational tools (e.g., Matlab), computer-aided circuit analysis (e.g., Pspice), and laboratory skills.

(Fall 2020)

CHEM 130

General Chemistry I

This course seeks to develop a working knowledge of the conceptual foundation and the quantitative chemical relationships on which subsequent chemistry courses are built. Atomic structure, chemical bonding, reaction stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and periodic trends are emphasized in this integrated lecture and laboratory course.

(Fall 2020)

MATH 127

Calculus III

Multivariable functions, partial derivatives and their applications, multiple integrals and their applications. Vector-valued functions, line and surface integrals, Green, Gauss and Stokes Theorems.

(Summer 2020)

HIST 129

History of the United States After the Civil War

A historical survey of the American people from Reconstruction to the present. This survey is designed to reflect the diversity of the American experience, to offer the student a chronological perspective on the history of the United States, and to explore the main themes, issues, ideas, and events that shaped American history.

(Summer 2020)

PHSX 210 / 216

General Physics I for Engineers / Lab

Introduction to classical mechanics and thermodynamics designed for students in the School of Engineering who have completed MATH 125 or MATH 145 with a grade of C or better. Students not admitted to the School of Engineering must receive permission from instructor.

(Spring 2020)

EECS 169

Programming I: Honors

Problem solving using a high level programming language and object oriented software design. Fundamental stages of software development are discussed: problem specification, program design, implementation, testing, and documentation. Introduction to programming using an object oriented language: using classes, defining classes, extending classes. Introduction to algorithms and data structures useful for problem solving: arrays, lists, files, searching, and sorting. Students will be responsible for designing, implementing, testing, and documenting independent programming projects. Professional ethics are defined and discussed in particular with respect to computer rights and responsibilities.

(Spring 2020)

COMS 130

Speaker-Audience Communication

Study of rhetorical theory and its application to the preparation, presentation, and criticism of oral discourse in audience situations. Special consideration of listening behavior and of the ethical conduct of speech in a free society.

(Spring 2020)

MATH 146

Calculus II: Honors

Techniques of integration, including integration by parts. Applications of integration, including volume, arc length, work and average value. Infinite sequences and series and Taylor series. Polar coordinates, vectors and the geometry of space.

(Spring 2020)

HNRS 190

A Just Machine - First Year Honors Seminar

This seminar serves as an introduction to the University Honors Program, to research opportunities and other academic resources available at the University of Kansas, and to specific disciplinary perspectives on an overarching theme. The early days of computing focusing on how computing came to be and why. We look at work by the major early computing scholars and put their work in the context of World War II. We also look a that the limitations of computing and what we know about what can and cannot be computed mechanically.

[More Info]

(Fall 2019)

ENGL 105

Introduction to English: Honors

Study of significant works of world literature. The primary aims are to develop reading and writing skills and to introduce the students to works of literature drawn from a variety of genres and historical periods.

(Fall 2019)

EECS 140

Intro to Digital Logic Design

An introductory course in digital logic circuits covering number representation, digital codes, Boolean Algebra, combinatorial logic design, sequential logic design, and programmable logic devices.

(Fall 2019)

EECS 101

New Student Seminar

A seminar intended to help connect freshmen and transfer EECS students to the EECS department, their chosen profession, and each other. Topics include overviews of the various disciplines, curricula and advising, ethics and professionalism, student organizations and extracurricular activities, senior projects, and career planning.

(Fall 2019)

ECON 144

Principles of Macroeconomics

An analytical introduction to macroeconomics. Topics include determination of aggregate income, employment, inflation, exchange rates, and the role of fiscal and monetary policy in dealing with unemployment, inflation, and economic growth.

(Fall 2019)

MATH 125

Calculus I

Limits, continuity and derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Curve sketching, optimization and other applications of the derivative. Antiderivatives, Riemann sums, the definite integral, and the fundamental theorem of calculus.

(Fall 2019)